2013년 12월 2일 월요일

What is the best way to organize myself to get the whole thing done?

I found the following from my old notebook, but I forgot the source of it.


What is your realistic available time?

Understand the work entailed in a PhD
Not only do you need to know the sequence of the tasks, you need to know when you are going to do them and how long they are likely to take.

You need to plan where you will be ideally by the end of each year.

For some people, having a vision of what will happen over the next month is enough; others need to plan on a weekly or even daily basis. You have to see what works for you and don't just adopt a plan that works for someone else.

When you have settled on your plan, you need to be flexible enough to change it if it's not working.

Whatever you plan to do has to be quite specific.

Regardless of style of plan, it still is a good idea to set time limits for tasks as they can stretch and lead you in various interesting but irrelevant directions.

To avoid burnout, you need to build into your plan rest, recreation, fun, spare time and even 'catch up' time.

As with most things, planning involves trial and error. You are unlikely to get it right the first time. You need to think about what worked and what didn't work for you, modify your plan, trial it again, and continue the process.

댓글 2개:

  1. 성박사~ 오랜만이네 ㅎㅎ 이런데가 있었군~! 구글플러스 돌아다니다 우연히 찾아오게 됐네. ^^ 건강히 잘 지내고 있지~? 쭉 훑어보니 그간 어떻게 공부해왔는지 보이는듯 ^^ 공감가는 것도 많고.. Job은 좀더 일찍 혹은 늦게 잡는 정도의 차이일뿐이니 포기하지 말고 꾸준히만 노력하면 곧 좋은 소식 들려줄 수 있을거야. 항상 건강하고, 진희한테도 안부 전해주길~!! :)

  2. 백송이형 잘 지내시죠?
    한국은 어때요? 애기 아빠 되셨나요?

    내일이 졸업식 이예요. 참석해 주세요. ㅋㅋ

    달라스랑 아틀란타에서 오퍼를 받았는데, 달라스로 갈것 같아요.
    학교 아파트에서 집을 빼야되서 다음주에 일단 달라스로 갑니다.

    형 못본지 너무 오래 됐네요.
    건강하시고 새해 복 많이 받으세요.
